2024 Iris Prize

Pill Nation

Dante is an old gay activist who refuses to retire. Facing the inevitable end of his existence, he decides to fulfil his old plans of opening the first LGBTQIA+ retirement house in Brazil, ignoring the advice of his great friend, Francisca, who argues that they no longer need to care.


Bruno Tadeu


Vivian Kevorkian and Bruno Tadeu


Bruno Tadeu



Brazil, 21 mins

Mae Dante yn hen actifydd hoyw sy’n gwrthod ymddeol. Wrth wynebu diwedd anochel ei fodolaeth, mae’n penderfynu cyflawni ei hen gynlluniau o agor y tŷ ymddeol LHDTQIA + cyntaf ym Mrasil, gan anwybyddu cyngor ei gyfaill mawr, Francisca, sy’n dadlau nad oes angen iddynt boeni mwyach.

Bruno Tadeu is a screenwriter, director, actor and art educator from Minas Gerais, Brazil. His first two short films Arteiro and The last time we came out of the closet were shown at festivals including Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes, San Diego Latino Film Festival, Vancouver Queer Film Festival, and Guarnicê Film Festival.

Mae Bruno Tadeu yn sgriptiwr, cyfarwyddwr, actor ac addysgwr celf o Minas Gerais, Brasil. Dangoswyd ei ddwy ffilm fer gyntaf Arteiro a The last time we came out of the closet mewn gwyliau gan gynnwys Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes, San Diego Latino Film Festival, Vancouver Queer Film Festival, a Guarnicê Film Festival.

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