
Kate Herron In Conversation

Kate Herron opens Iris Prize 2024 with this exclusive Q&A session. From Marvel’s Loki, Doctor Who, Sex Education, and Five by Five, Kate has made an indelible mark on our watch history. The writer-director, working across film, television and comic books has captured global audiences with her storytelling, with an upcoming episode of The Last of Us still on the horizon. You don't want to miss this!

TUES, 8 Oct 14:00 @USW ATRiuM

Mae Kate Herron yn agor Gwobr Iris 2024 gyda’r sesiwn holi ac ateb unigryw hon. O Loki (Marvel), Doctor Who, Sex Education, a Five by Five, mae Kate wedi gwneud marc annileadwy ar ein hanes gwylio. Mae’r awdur-gyfarwyddwr, sy’n gweithio ar draws ffilm, teledu a llyfrau comig, wedi cipio cynulleidfaoedd byd-eang gyda’i storïau, gyda phennod o The Last of Us yn dal ar y gorwel. Dydych chi ddim eisiau colli hwn!