Young Hearts wins Iris Prize Best Feature award

• Six performance awards announced
• Jia, by Vee Shi, wins the Iris Prize Youth Jury Award
• Two winners announced for Best British Performance in a Male Role
• Channel 4 will be streaming all 15 shortlisted Best British Shorts films for a full year following the festival
The organisers of the Iris Prize LGBTQ+ Film Festival – celebrating global stories and Cardiff charm are thrilled to present the six winners of the performance awards and Young Hearts by Anthony Schatteman as winner of the Iris Prize Best Feature Film, sponsored by Bad Wolf.

And the winners of the performance awards are:

Louisa Connolly-Burnham as Kaidence in Sister Wives wins Best British Performance in a Female Role sponsored by Out & Proud Sister Wives, directed by Louisa, also won Best British Short sponsored by Film4 and Pinewood Studios. “A powerful and emotive performance that made you feel the fear, turmoil, love and loss of the character.  Subtle but totally believable.”


Richard Wilson as Ceri in G Flat  wins Best British Performance in a Male Role sponsored by Out & Proud “Played with such honesty and beauty in a story that I’m so glad is being told.  The older generation are pushed into predictable roles and I loved this story line and this performance from an actor doing something we have never seen him do before.”


Dennis Grindel as Declan Flynn in Fairview Park wins Best British Performance in a Male Role sponsored by Out & Proud “I am SO excited to watch Dennis career.  What a performance.  You felt his fear, his anxiety and want to be loved and accepted.  Stunning.”
Ashley Goa as Kai in Divine Intervention wins Best British Performance Beyond the Binary sponsored by Out & Proud “A natural performer that pulls you into the character and story.”
Luciana Grasso as Vera in Vera and the Pleasure of Others wins the Iris Prize Best Performance in a Female Role sponsored by Diva Magazine “This was one of the hardest decisions the jury had to make a field of so many incredible performances but as the title character and the emotional heart of the film, this film rested on the capable shoulders of its young lead Luciana Grasso, who delivered a wonderful performance as a young woman discovering herself and her sexuality.”
Lou Goosens as Elias in Young Hearts wins the Iris Prize Best Performance in a Male Role sponsored by Attitude Magazine “Though the youngest of the acting nominees we felt that Lou Goossens performance as Elias in Young Hearts showed a deep maturity, vulnerability and understanding of a complicated and oftentimes difficult character, and it is our pleasure to award this Best Performance in a Male Role.”
Young Hearts wins the Iris Prize for Best Feature Film sponsored by Bad Wolf “This was a film that showed the highs and lows of the young queer experience in all its sentimental joy and heartfelt tragedy, as the jury we felt the emotional pull combined with the beautiful cinematography easily warranted it the award of Best Feature.”
The Summer With Carmen is Highly Commended for Best Feature Film sponsored by Bad Wolf “A joyous love letter to queer friendship in all its forms whether between Demosthenes and Nikitas or in the relationship between Demosthenes and the titular Carmen. Seductive and sexy but somehow always cheeky, The Summer with Carmen is a gem of queer artistic expression.”
Hidden Master: The Legacy of George Platt Lynes is Highly Commended for Best Feature Film sponsored by Bad Wolf “Many films have focused on the lives of artists but perhaps none so intriguing as George Platt Lynes, an almost entirely forgotten photographer who’s archives show a new perspective on queer lives pre stonewall. This documentary was well made with a clear artistic passion for its subject.” Jia, by Vee Shi wins the Iris Prize Youth Jury Award
Berwyn Rowlands, Iris Prize LGBTQ+ Film Festival Director said: “Producing films is a collaborative process with many creative skills coming together to tell a story. Actors are an integral part of this mix. A strong performance like those by our winners Luciana Grasso as Vera in Vera and The Pleasure of Others, and Lou Goossens as Elias in Young Hearts can transform a strong film into a spectacular film. These performances are strong and authentic, and delivered by two actors at the beginning of a long career.”


Young Hearts yn ennill Gwobr Ffilm Nodwedd Orau Gwobr Iris

  • Jia, gan Vee Shi, yn ennill Gwobr y Rheithgor Ieuenctid Gwobr Iris
  • Cyhoeddi dau enillydd ar gyfer y Perfformiad Prydeinig Gorau mewn Rôl Wrywaidd
  • Bydd Channel 4 yn ffrydio pob un o'r 15 ffilm fer Gorau Ym Mhrydain am flwyddyn gyfan yn dilyn yr ŵyl
Mae trefnwyr Gŵyl Ffilm LHDTQ+ Gwobr Iris – dathlu straeon byd-eang a swyn Caerdydd wrth eu boddau o gyflwyno chwe enillydd y gwobrau perfformio a Young Hearts gan Anthony Schatteman fel enillydd y Ffilm Nodwedd Orau Gwobr Iris, a noddir gan Bad Wolf.

Ac enillwyr y gwobrau perfformiad yw:

Mae Louisa Connolly-Burnham fel Kaidence yn Sister Wives yn ennill y Perfformiad Prydeinig Gorau mewn Rôl Fenywaidd a noddir gan Out & Proud Enillodd Sister Wives, a gyfarwyddwyd gan Louisa, wobr Ffilm Fer Orau Ym Mhrydain hefyd a noddwyd gan Film4 a Pinewood Studios. "Perfformiad pwerus ac emosiynol wnaeth i chi deimlo ofn, cythrwfl, cariad a cholli'r cymeriad.  Cynnil ond hollol gredadwy." Mae Richard Wilson fel Ceri yn G Flat yn ennill y Perfformiad Prydeinig Gorau mewn Rôl Wrywaidd a noddir gan Out & Proud "Wedi chwarae gyda'r fath onestrwydd a phrydferthwch mewn stori dwi mor falch yn cael ei hadrodd.  Mae'r genhedlaeth hŷn yn cael eu gwthio i rolau rhagweladwy ac roeddwn wrth fy modd â'r stori hon a'r perfformiad hwn gan actor yn gwneud rhywbeth nad ydym erioed wedi'i weld yn ei wneud o'r blaen. "
Mae Dennis Grindel fel Declan Flynn yn Fairview Park yn ennill y Perfformiad Prydeinig Gorau mewn Rôl Wrywaidd a noddir gan Out & Proud "Rwy'n gyffrous iawn i wylio gyrfa Dennis.  Pa berfformiad.  Roeddech chi'n teimlo ei ofn, ei bryder ac eisiau cael eich caru a'ch derbyn.  Yn syfrdanol."
Mae Ashley Goa fel Kai yn Divine Intervention yn ennill y Perfformiad Prydeinig Gorau Tu hwnt i'r Deuaidd a noddir gan Out & Proud "Perfformiwr naturiol sy'n eich tynnu i mewn i'r cymeriad a'r stori."
Mae Luciana Grasso fel Vera yn Vera and the Pleasure of Others yn ennill Gwobr Iris Perfformiad Gorau mewn Rôl Fenywaidd a noddir gan Diva Magazine "Hwn oedd un o'r penderfyniadau anoddaf oedd yn rhaid i'r rheithgor wneud maes o gymaint o berfformiadau anhygoel ond fel cymeriad y teitl a chalon emosiynol y ffilm, roedd y ffilm hon yn gorffwys ar ysgwyddau galluog ei harweinydd ifanc, Luciana Grasso, a gyflwynodd berfformiad gwych fel menyw ifanc yn darganfod ei hun a'i rhywioldeb."
Mae Lou Goosens fel Elias yn Young Hearts yn ennill Gwobr Iris Perfformiad Gorau mewn Rôl Gwrywaidd a noddir gan Attitude Magazine "Er fe oedd yr ieuengaf o'r enwebeion, roeddem yn teimlo bod perfformiad Lou Goossens fel Elias yn Young Hearts yn dangos aeddfedrwydd, bregusrwydd a dealltwriaeth ddofn o gymeriad cymhleth ac yn aml yn anodd, a'n pleser ni yw dyfarnu'r Perfformiad Gorau hwn mewn Rôl Wrywaidd."
Mae Young Hearts yn ennill Gwobr Iris am y Ffilm Nodwedd Orau a noddir gan Bad Wolf "Roedd hon yn ffilm a ddangosodd uchafbwyntiau ac isafbwyntiau y profiad queer ifanc yn ei holl lawenydd sentimental a'i drasiedi o'r galon, ac fel rheithgor roeddem yn teimlo bod y tynnu emosiynol ynghyd â'r sinematograffi hardd yn cyfiawnhau'n hawdd iddi dderbyn y wobr am y ffilm nodwedd orau."
Caiff The Summer With Carmen ganmoliant uchel yn y categori Ffilm Nodwedd Orau a noddir gan Bad Wolf Llythyr serch llawen at gyfeillgarwch queer yn ei holl ffurfiau boed rhwng Demosthenes a Nikitas neu yn y berthynas rhwng Demosthenes a Carmen. Ynn hudol ac yn rhywiol, ond rhywsut bob amser yn ddigywilydd, mae The Summer With Carmen yn berlen o fynegiant artistig queer. "
Caiff Hidden Master: The Legacy of George Platt Lynes ganmoliant uchel yn y categori Ffilm Nodwedd Orau a noddir gan Bad Wolf "Mae llawer o ffilmiau wedi canolbwyntio ar fywydau artistiaid ond efallai nad oes neb mor ddiddorol â George Platt Lynes, ffotograffydd anghofiedig bron yn gyfan gwbl ac mae archifau'n dangos persbectif newydd ar fywydau queercyn Stonewall. Cafodd y ffilm ddogfen hon ei chreu yn dda gydag angerdd artistig clir am ei phwnc." Mae Jia, gan Vee Shi yn ennill Gwobr y Rheithgor Ieuenctid Gwobr Iris
Dywedodd Berwyn Rowlands, Cyfarwyddwr Gŵyl Ffilm LHDTQ+ Gwobr Iris: "Mae cynhyrchu ffilmiau yn broses gydweithredol gyda llawer o sgiliau creadigol yn dod at ei gilydd i adrodd stori. Mae actorion yn rhan annatod o'r gymysgedd hon. Mae perfformiad cryf fel rhai ein henillwyr Luciana Grasso fel Vera yn Vera a The Pleasure of Others, a Lou Goossens fel Elias in Young Hearts yn gallu trawsnewid ffilm gref yn ffilm ysblennydd. Mae'r perfformiadau hyn yn gryf a dilys, ac yn cael eu cyflwyno gan ddau actor ar ddechrau gyrfa hir."