In The Room Where He Waits – Timothy Despina Marshall
In The Room Where He Waits is far more than your typical horror—it’s a haunting, introspective journey that will leave you both unsettled and deep in thought.
This bone-chilling film doesn’t just aim for jump scares; it delves into the complexities of isolation and identity. Daniel Monk’s gripping performance vividly embodies the crushing weight of loneliness, as an eternal outsider and a part of the queer community. As the story unfolds, we watch as his mind unravels in a spiral of dread and despair. Prepare to be spooked, but also to reflect on the darker corners of the human experience.
“In The Room Where He Waits” is a thrilling plunge into repression and grief”
“Vulnerable, complex, at-times frustrating and thus so convincingly real, Tobin is a man who perfectly encapsulates the struggle of balance between demands of self, work, love and family in a modern lifestyle. Expertly written and unflinchingly portrayed, the lead’s character had me far more interested in Tobin’s repression and trauma than the almost onerous inclusion of an external ghost story.”
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FILM REVIEW: "In the Room Where He Waits" is a thrilling plunge into repression and grief | Isolated Nation
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“Daniel Monks is intoxicating in his phenomenal performance. He’s really the only person “there” — every other interaction is via a screen, a voice, a hallucination, or a set of clothing left behind by someone (or was it?). Suffocating in a hotel, in Brisbane, in a disorienting mental health spiral. Afraid he’s missed his chance to be someone. Raw and authentic, Monks is an undeniable star.”
“In the Room Where He Waits is as complex as it is brilliant. Not only one of the best queer Australian films of the year it is also one of the best Australian debut features. Haunting, deeply affecting, and resonant.”
In the Room Where He Waits is One of the Best Australian Debut Features Around - The Curb
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“The film is haunting and moody, forcing us to confront any of our unresolved trauma from the pandemic while infusing some often-shocking horror scares that deliver one of the best debut films from a director. “
“Director Timothy Despina Marshall has crafted an intensely claustrophobic film”
In the Room Where He Waits is the year’s best Australian horror | Novastream (
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