We have reached out to the lead actor Imran Adams, from Tom Paul Martin’s short, with some questions and you can find his answers below:
- If your superhero character could have any superpower in real life, what would it be, and how would they use it to make the world a more fabulous place?

- What’s the most unexpected thing your superhero would carry in their utility belt, and why?
- If your superhero had to assemble a team of LGBTQ+ icons (real or fictional) to save the world, who would make the cut, and what role would each person play?
- Beyoncé - for obvious reasons.
- Lee Daniels - to direct and edit videos for socials and documentaries etc.
- Superman - to do the muscle work with Meridian and look good in his tight spandex while making Sterling a little jealous.
Here's the Trailer:
Screening at the opening night of #Iris24.