A Wild Patience Has Taken Me Here
Érica Sarmet
Érica Sarmet, Silvia Sobral and Lívia Perez
Érica Sarmet
Érica Sarmet is a Brazilian queer writer, director and researcher from Niterói, Rio de Janeiro based in São Paulo. They wrote and directed two short films: the queer experimental post-porn “Latifúndio” (2017) and the lesbian fiction “A Wild Patience Has Taken Me Here” (2021). They are script assistant and researcher for the feature film “Medusa” (2021, Anita Rocha da Silveira), staff writer for “Transviar” (2020) and other genre and youth-centered episodic series and feature films developed for production companies like MYMAMA Entertainment, Doctela, Wise Entertainment, Matizar Filmes and Cajamanga. In 2022 they prepare to shoot Sarmet’s next short “Vollúpya” and the trans witches thriller “If I’m Here It Is By Mystery”, while working on the development of their first feature. They are also PhD Candidate in Film Studies at University of São Paulo and founding curator of Quase Catálogo, a film club dedicated to works by women and trans filmmakers.