Expressing Myself
A chaotic night as a cabbie with less than ideal customers; tackling grief directly and learning to move on; reuniting with distanced family and dealing with the revelations that follow; and an insight into a magical queer existence. These stories celebrate the freedom of gender expression and difference, our main protagonists are trans but the experiences of family, work, and identity are universal.
Un noson anhrefnus yn gyrru tacsi gyda chwsmeriaid llai na delfrydol; mynd i’r afael â galar yn uniongyrchol a dysgu sut i symud ymlaen; ailgysylltu â theulu dieithr a delio â’r datgeliadau sy’n dilyn; a chipolwg ar fodolaeth queer hudol. Mae’r straeon hyn yn dathlu’r rhyddid i fynegi rhywedd a’r gwahaniaeth rhwng y rhywiau, ac mae ein prif gymeriadau yn drawsrywiol ond mae profiadau teulu, gwaith a hunaniaeth yn gyffredinol.
Miss Coco Lemon, A taxi driver dreaming of a different life faces a chaotic night of business around the streets of London with her less-than-ideal customers who drive her to absolute insanity.
Queer fortune teller, conjurer and runaway Fei Liu lives and performs out of a tent in the middle of the marshes. Over the course of three days, figures and phantoms of present and past penetrate Fei’s tent and plague their subconscious, threatening to unravel their way of life and throwing their own future – and grip on reality – into turmoil.
When Tess learns of her estranged father’s death, she travels to the funeral hoping for nothing more than some closure and the chance to meet the woman who stole him from her. Immediately blindsided by the revelation that her father was a transgender woman, Tess starts to wonder what else has been kept from her, turning to her mother for answers.
A computer scientist struggles with his past, present and future when it comes time to part ways with his best friend.