Falling In Love with Iris

This programme is a collection of short films that explores looking for love, finding love, desire, and human connections in various forms.

60 Mins

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Bubbling - Iris On The MoveBubbling – Rated 12A

Director: Chang Che Ming

Producer: Lin Hsin Wu | Writer: Chang Che Ming

Taiwan, 23 Mins

Synopsis: Guang has difficulty focusing during school choir. He’s distracted by something more enticing than singing. When a charismatic new student arrives, Guang’s curiosity and sexual desire is taken to a new level.

Malwa Khushan – Rated U

Director: Preeti kanungo, Sourav Yadav

Producer: Lotus Visual Productions & KASHISH Arts Foundation | Writer: Preeti kanungo

India, 20 Mins

Synopsis: Coming of age story of two sisters Malwa and Khushan exploring sexuality and attraction in their adolescent years. A new girl arrives in Khushan’s classroom and she starts developing feelings for her.

Single: Meat Cutes – Rated 15

Director: Tilly Robba & Steph Jowett

Producer: Steph Jowett | Writer: Ang Collins & Mike Costi

Australia, 12 Mins

Synopsis: We are first introduced to Luke, Bridie and Tilly as they rideshare to the pub for their separate dating-app dates. Disaster ensues on all counts, and the three end the night crammed in a skip-bin outside the pub—dateless and still single.

Diomysus – 12A

Director: Emily Elizabeth Morus-Jones

Producer: Sara Ellen | Writer: Emily Elizabeth Morus-Jones

Wales, 5 Mins

Synopsis: An experimental film where a group of mice (voiced by members of the UK polyamorous community whose identities are masked using puppetry) discuss their experiences of polyamory. Diomysus asks the question – are we (the audience) more open to taboo ideas if unconscious bias is eliminated?

If you would like to screen this programme in your area, please book by emailing to adnan@irisprize.org