2024 Feature Films
In the Room Where He Waits
A queer theatre actor waits in a hotel room before his father's funeral. Convinced there is someone or something in the room with him, he must come face-to-face with all that haunts him, in a fight for his life.
Tim is one of 4 Australian film makers to have won the Iris Prize, we are delighted he returns to Cardiff for this screening of his first feature.
Tim is one of 4 Australian film makers to have won the Iris Prize, we are delighted he returns to Cardiff for this screening of his first feature.
Timothy Despina Marshall
Australia, 82 mins
Timothy Despina Marshall
Mae actor theatr queer yn aros mewn ystafell westy cyn angladd ei dad. Yn argyhoeddedig bod rhywun neu rywbeth yn yr ystafell gydag ef, rhaid iddo ddod wyneb yn wyneb â phawb sy’n aflonyddu arno, mewn brwydr am ei fywyd.
Mae Tim yn un o bedwar o wneuthurwyr ffilmiau Awstralia sydd wedi ennill Gwobr Iris, rydym wrth ein bodd ei fod yn dychwelyd i Gaerdydd ar gyfer y dangosiad hwn o’i ffilm nodwedd gyntaf.
List of Feature Films at #iris24
- Fri, Oct 11th, 9:30 PM @ Vue Cinema – Screen 1