2024 Iris Prize Programme

Intergenerational Stories

A family faced with threats, a heartwarming phonecall from a Romani Grandmother, overcoming cultural and language barriers, one elderly man’s dream, a mother’s moment in the spotlight. These stories highlight the relationships between people of different ages.

78 mins

Teulu sy’n wynebu bygythiadau, galwad ffôn twymgalon gan Mam-gu Romani, goresgyn rhwystrau diwylliannol ac ieithyddol, breuddwyd un dyn oedrannus, ac eiliad Mam dan y sbotlolau. Mae’r straeon hyn yn amlygu’r berthynas rhwng pobl o wahanol oedrannau.

Films Include:

  • Blood Like Water | Dir. Dima Hamdan | Palestine | 14 mins
  • Mami | Dir. Alecio Araci | Sweden | 7 mins
  • Jia | Dir. Vee Shi | Australia | 15 mins
  • Pill Nation | Dir. Bruno Tadeu | Brazil | 22 mins
  • The Performance | Dir. Claire Zhou | Netherlands | 20 mins

2024 Iris Prize Programmes