Iris Prize Shorts 2
The Mess He Made
Matthew Puccini
USA| 10 min | 2017
Awaiting the results of a rapid HIV test, Jude wanders a sexual health clinic and the surrounding area, assessing the life he has and the choices he’s made. This could be the longest fifteen minutes of his life.
The News Today
Lisa Donato
USA | 12 min | 2017
Inspired by the tragic shooting at Orlando’s Pulse Nightclub, The News Today highlights the last ordinary moments between two men in love.
The Colour of His Hair
Sam Ashby
UK | 21 min | 2017
Based on an unrealised film script written in 1964, The Colour of His Hair merges drama and documentary into an impressionistic meditation on queer life before and after the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality in 1967.
If I Met a Magician (Im Efgosh Kosem)
Shaked Goren
Israel | 21 min| 2015
Released from military reserve duty to attend his uncle’s memorial service, Omri finds himself wandering the streets of Tel Aviv during National Memorial Day, the day when Israel commemorates its fallen soldiers.