Lana Kaiser
Philipp Gufler
Philipp Gufler
Philipp Gufler
Philipp Gufler works spans various media including short films, silkscreen prints, installations on fabric and mirrors, artist books, performances and video installations. For the film “Projection on the Crisis (Gauweilereien in Munich)” (2014) on the beginning of the AIDS crisis in Germany, he began researching into the self-organized archive Forum Queeres Archiv München, of which Gufler have since become an active member. The human body is also a central focus, featuring prominently in his silkscreen printed mirrors series and in the video installation “The Responsive Body” (2019). In his quilts, silkscreen printed fabrics, Gufler is referring to artists, writers, magazines and lost queer spaces. Philipp Gufler studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and attended artist residencies De Ateliers, Amsterdam (2015-2017) and Skowhegan School of Painting & Sculpture, Maine, USA (2019). Recent solo exhibitions include “It is getting alive” at BQ, Berlin (2020); “I’m in love with a statue” at Françoise Heitsch in Munich (2019); “Pleasure Pain” at Marwan, Amsterdam (2019); “I Wanna Give You Devotion” at Platform, Munich (2017) and “Setz dein Ich in Anführungsstriche” at Kunstverein Göttingen (2016). Recent group exhibitions include “Liberté. Egalité. Beyoncé” at Haus der Kunst, Munich; “Andere Geschiedenis volgens Dirjke Kuik en Philipp Gufler” at Centraal Museum, Utrecht (2021); “Tomorrow’s Language” at Alte Fabrik, Rapperswill, Swiss (2020); “Love and Ethnology” at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (2019); „Maskulinitäten“ at Kunstverein Düsseldorf (2019); “Paranoid House” at Vleeshal, Middelburg (2018) and “Bei Cosy” at Rongwrong, Amsterdam (2017). He published the artist books “Projektion auf die Krise” (2014), “I Wanna Give You Devotion” (2017), “Quilt #01-#30” (2020) and “Lana Kaiser” (2020) with Hammann Von Mier Verlag, Munich and “Indirect Contact” (2017) with BQ, Berlin.