2024 Iris Prize


An intimate reflection on the relationship between territory and trans identity, rurality and queerness, norm and dissidence, mapping out a space of expression between audiovisual essay and personal cinema.


Cande Lázaro


Cande Lázaro


Cande Lázaro



Spain, 13 mins

Adlewyrchiad agos o’r berthynas rhwng tiriogaeth a hunaniaeth draws, gwledigrwydd a queerness, y peth arferol ac anghydffurfiaeth, sy’n mapio gofod mynegiant rhwng traethawd clyweledol a sinema bersonol.

Cande Lázaro develops his work linked to self- referential and archival documentary cinema. Graduating in Audiovisual Communication and Documentary Film at the Instituto de Cine de Madrid, his pieces have been screened at festivals such as the Alcances Documentary Film Festival, Festival De Cinema Independiente L’Alternativa de Barcelona, IFFR Rotterdam, Sicilia Queer Filmfest.

Mae Cande Lázaro yn datblygu ei waith sy’n gysylltiedig â sinema ddogfen hunangyfeiriadol ac archifol. Gan raddio mewn Cyfathrebu Clyweledol a Ffilm Ddogfennol yn yr Instituto de Cine de Madrid, mae ei ddarnau wedi cael eu dangos mewn gwyliau fel Alcances Documentary Film Festival, Festival De Cinema Independiente L’Alternativa de Barcelona, IFFR Rotterdam, Sicilia Queer Filmfest.

Find 2024 Iris Prize shortlist here