2024 Iris Prize

NYAME MMA (Children Of God)

Following his father’s sudden death, a young man returns home for the funeral, and closure with him as he journeys to the afterworld. The film explores how the lack of space for male grieving makes their loss very isolating.


Joewackle J Kusi


Albert Donkor, Joewackle J Kusi


Joewackle J Kusi



Ghana, 27 mins

Yn dilyn marwolaeth sydyn ei dad, mae dyn ifanc yn dychwelyd adref ar gyfer yr angladd, ac yn ceisio cael diweddglo wrth iddo deithio i’r byd a ddaw. Mae’r ffilm yn archwilio sut mae’r diffyg lle i alaru gwrywaidd yn gwneud eu colled yn ynysig iawn.

Joewackle J Kusi is a multifaceted creative bridging cultures and conversations through film. From Ghana and Burkina Faso, Joewackle’s vibrant storytelling delves into crucial social dialogues, intersecting culture, history, and politics. Through collaborations and initiatives like Reel Fellowship and Church of Stories, he’s shaping a rich cinematic landscape and celebrating African culture.

Mae Joewackle J Kusi yn artist creadigol amlochrog sy’n pontio diwylliant a sgyrsiau trwy ffilm. O Ghana a Burkina Faso, mae storïa bywiog Joewackle yn ymchwilio i ddeialogau cymdeithasol hanfodol, gan groesi diwylliant, hanes a gwleidyddiaeth. Trwy gydweithio a mentrau fel Reel Fellowship a Church of Stories, mae’n llunio tirwedd sinematig gyfoethog ac yn dathlu diwylliant Affrica.