2024 Feature Films
A tall, awkward teenager moves to a new town and is forced to join the volleyball team of her new all-girl Catholic high school. Everything changes when she falls for the volleyball team captain.
Samantha’s Billie and Emma was a popular part of our 2019 programme, this is her second feature to screen in Cardiff.
Samantha’s Billie and Emma was a popular part of our 2019 programme, this is her second feature to screen in Cardiff.
Samantha Lee
Philippines, 94 mins
Mae arddegwraig dal, lletchwith yn symud i dref newydd ac yn cael ei gorfodi i ymuno â thîm pêl-foli ei hysgol uwchradd Gatholig newydd. Mae popeth yn newid pan mae hi’n syrthio am gapten y tîm pêl-foli.
Roedd Billie ac Emma, ffilm gan Samatha, yn rhan boblogaidd o’n rhaglen yn 2019, a dyma ei hail ffilm i’w dangos yng Nghaerdydd.
List of Feature Films at #iris24
- Fri, Oct 11th, 2:45 PM @ Vue Cinema – Screen 2
- Sun, Oct 13th, 12:15 PM @ Vue Cinema – Screen 1