Saint Narcisse
Bruce LaBruce
The year is 1972, and 22-year-old Dominic is the very embodiment of Narcissus, turned on by his own reflection and forever taking selfies with his Polaroid camera. When his loving grandmother dies he discovers a deep family secret: his lesbian mother didn’t die in childbirth and he has a twin brother, Daniel, raised by a depraved priest in a remote monastery, and now held against his will!
Brought together by destiny and reunited with their mother Beatrice, the beautiful, identical brothers are soon entangled in a strange web of sex, revenge and redemption!
“A wild ride that’s enjoyable in all its B-movie glory — the production design that’s just a little too kitschy, the dialogue that’s just a tad too ripe — while also titillating the intellect.” – Hollywood Reporter.