Selma After the Rain (Selma Depois da Chuva)
Loli Menezes
Loli Menezes and Ana Paula Mendes
Renato Turnes
Selma, a trans woman, returns home after 30 years to care for her elderly mother, who suffers from Alzheimer’s. In this encounter, lost in confused memories, the two women remember forgotten pains and desires, and revisit lost guilt and affection.
Mae Selma, menyw draws, yn dychwelyd adref ar ôl 30 mlynedd i ofalu am ei mam oedrannus, sy’n dioddef o glefyd Alzheimer. Yn y cyfarfyddiad hwn, ar goll mewn atgofion dryslyd, mae’r ddwy ddynes yn cofio poenau a dyheadau anghofiedig, ac yn ailedrych ar euogrwydd ac anwyldeb coll.
Selma After the Rain was nominated for the Iris Prize by Mix Brasil one of our worldwide network of partner festivals.
Brazilian filmmaker and producer, studied cinema and TV at university UNISUL. She works as director and producer for movies and TV series. Director awarded for the short films “Ocorredor”, Isto é um um Filme (finalist of AXN Film Festival, shown all over Latin America) and Selma after the Rain. Her work focuses in production, direction, art direction and costumes of documentaries and fictions, for Cinema and TV. During 3 years she produced and directed series for the TV show “SC em Cena”, broadcasted by open channel TV. She’s the co founder of Vinil Films, a production company of Santa Catarina state, where she works as PR, Project Manager and Social Media Coordinator.
@selmadepoisdachuva | @vinilfilmes