2024 Iris Prize Programme

Take A Chance On Me

An emotional catch-up phone call, a new business venture, and a rocky road trip. This programme explores the line between being friends and the desire for a deeper connection.

66 mins

Galwad ffôn dal i fyny emosiynol, menter fusnes newydd, a thaith ffordd greigiog. Mae’r rhaglen hon yn archwilio’r llinell rhwng bod yn ffrindiau a’r awydd am gysylltiad dyfnach.

Films Include:

  • I Never Promised You A Jasmine Garden | Dir. Teyama Alkamli | Canada | 20 mins
  • Bunk | Dir. Piotr Jasiński | Czech Republic | 21 mins
  • Honeymoon | Dir. Alkis Papastathopoulos | Greece | 25 mins

2024 Iris Prize Programmes