Meaghan Palmer
Varun Swaminathan and David Morris
Melbourne, 1994. 17-year old Ben and his friend Lolly sneak out to the legendary night club Tasty. Unfortunately, this also happens to be the night of a notorious real-life drugs raid, during which over 460 patrons were publicly stripped and cavity searched with dirty gloves and denied access to toilets, water and their rights. And Ben sees a familiar face among the cops.
Iris Prize Shorts Programme 4 | Cineworld, Screen 15 | 10am, Thursday 11 Oct
Meaghan Palmer is a writer/director based in Melbourne, Australia. She is the recipient of an Australian Director’s Guild Award for Tasty and her first short film, Supagay, won the Best Comedy award at RMIT. She is currently shooting a comedy web-series and finishing her feature script.