2024 Best British

Until Today

After her overbearing mother arranges a loveless marriage, a young aristocrat must consider the price of familial duty when it threatens a forbidden romance with her best friend.


Megan Lyons


Freya Marley


Isabelle Withers



UK, 15 mins

Ar ôl i’w mam ormesol drefnu priodas ddigariad, rhaid i uchelwraig ifanc ystyried pris dyletswydd teuluol pan fydd yn bygwth rhamant waharddedig gyda’i ffrind gorau.

Megan Lyons is a recent University of Portsmouth graduate in BA Film Production. With a particular strength in creating intimate dramas, her work often focuses on gentle relationships, both familial and romantic. She has a particular interest in female-led stories through both the cast and the crew she works with.

Graddiodd yn ddiweddar o Brifysgol Portsmouth mewn BA Cynhyrchu Ffilm. Gyda chryfder penodol wrth greu dramâu mynwesol, mae ei gwaith yn aml yn canolbwyntio ar berthnasoedd tyner, teuluol a rhamantus. Mae ganddi ddiddordeb arbennig mewn straeon dan arweiniad menywod drwy’r cast a’r criw y mae’n gweithio gyda nhw.

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