We Need to Talk About the Ring
Yichi Chen
Yichi Chen
When same-sex marriage becomes legal in Taiwan, Xin resolves to give up her successful career in the U.S. and return home. Caught between love and family, Xin risks both her family and lover as she is forced to own up to her true feelings.
Pan ddaw priodas o’r un rhyw yn gyfreithiol yn Taiwan, mae Xin yn penderfynu rhoi’r gorau i’w gyrfa lwyddiannus yn yr Unol Daleithiau a dychwelyd adref. Wedi’i dal rhwng cariad a theulu, mae Xin yn peryglu ei theulu a’i chariad wrth iddi gael ei gorfodi i gyfaddef ei gwir deimladau.
Yichi Chen, a writer-director based in Taipei, Taiwan, earned her MFA at Emerson College in 2019. Her visual works explore diverse human-related subjects and complex social transitions in her hometown. She strives to discover the possibilities of realistic storytelling.