Best Performances in a Male Role in a Feature Film sponsored by Attitude Magazine

LOU GOOSSENS (Elias, in Young Hearts, directed by Anthony Schatteman, Belgium and Netherlands, 2024).
Catherine Bray, writing in Variety, praised Lou Goossens, for being "naturalistic and able to convey subtle shades of inner turmoil, despite his young age”. David Rooney, The Hollywood Reporter: “The glue binding the whole story together is the remarkable Goossens’ Elias, whose silences as much as his raw intensity reveal the turmoil gripping him inside. The boy’s path to understanding himself and his desires will strike chords with anyone who ever struggled with self-acceptance.”
Lou said: Playing Elias was one big adventure, and it's amazing to see how the story of Young Hearts responds to so many viewers. It's a year of amazing roles in even more amazing movies, played by the best actors from all generations. As it is only my first role in a feature film, this was already the best year of my life, and I can’t wait to see what will follow. Thank you again for this nomination, I feel truly blessed.”
FÉLIX MARITAUD (Olivier, in Solo, directed by Sophie Dupuis, Canada, 2023)
Félix Maritaud, was the winner of the 2018 Best Actor in a Male Role at the Iris Prize for his role in in Sauvage(France).
Félix said: “I feel very honoured because this film was an incredible experience as an actor and as a person too, thanks to iris prize to have me nominated one more time. Thanks to Sophie Dupuis and all the cast and crew from Solo.”
LIAM MOLLICA (Leo, in Sunflower, directed by Gabriel Carrubba, Australia, 2023)
The Film Pie: “Sunflower still packs an emotional punch on the back of the performances and direction. Garrubba maintains a quick, interesting pace and star Liam Mollica (Nowhere Boys) has a likeable screen presence.”
Liam said: “I am beyond thrilled and honoured to be nominated for Best Performance in a Male Role. It brings me so much joy seeing Sunflower shared beyond Australia and I am thrilled that it will be played at Iris Prize for our UK Premiere."
YORGOS TSIANTOULAS (Demosthenes, in The Summer With Carmen directed by Zacharias Mavproeidis, Greece, 2023)
The Reviews Hub: “Stage actor Yorgos Tsiantoulas gives a wonderful performance as Demosthenes through the smallest of details. His disappointment in his mother and his unresolved yearning for Panos are deftly underplayed.”
Yorgos said: “Portraying Demosthenes in The Summer with Carmen was an incredible journey for me, diving deep into themes of queer identity, friendship and love. This character gave me the chance to portray the beautiful complexity of queer lives, celebrating their richness and diversity. Being part of a film that champions such authentic and meaningful stories fills me with joy and pride.”
ARTUR VOLPI (Joao, in Perfect Endings directed by Daniel Ribeiro, Brazil, 2024)
Artur said: "I’m thrilled to have our film screened at the Iris Prize and my performance recognized by the festival. So grateful for being part of such a relevant LGBTQ+ space that celebrates diversity. Hope you enjoy the story that my character, João, carries with him!”
Best performance in a female role in a feature film sponsored by Diva Magazine
AYA FERNANDEZ (Jana, in Rookie directed by Samantha Lee, Philippines, 2024)
“The shared silences between Ace and Jana (Aya Fernandez) that ultimately carry the most irresistible tension. There's so much left unsaid that director/co-writer Samantha Lee communicates just in the way the two girls inch closer together, or in how they come to hold each other's gaze a little longer.
Aya said: “May Jana be a reminder to all young queers and girls that they have a space to own, excel and grow whether in sports or any field they choose to conquer. Thank you very much for this recognition.”
LUCIANA GRASSO (Vera, in Vera and the Pleasure of Others directed by Romina Tamburello and Federico Actis, Argentina, 2023)
“17-year-old Vera (a magnetic Luciana Grasso) is bored with her life. She divides her days between volleyball and school, plus a secret hobby: she rents out an empty apartment to teenagers looking for a place to have sex.”
Luciana said: "It is an honour for me to be part of this nomination. This film means a lot on a personal and professional level. The dedication and trust were very necessary things to be able to face this character. I am very happy to be able to be in this film that expands horizons and views, minds and hearts. I loved playing Vera, with her intrepid, adventurous and eager spirit. I hope she infects us all a little.”
SHAEANE JIMENEZ (Julianne Alba, in Last ExMas directed by Sarah Rotella, Canada, 2024)
Shaeane said: "It is truly a dream come true to be starring in my first feature film. Having its premiere at Iris Prize Festival - then being nominated for Best Performance along with my co-star, Elena Milo, is the icing on the cake! I had so much fun playing Julianne, her and I have a lot in common. I hope everyone laughs and cries and craves some warm Christmas cooking afterwards. Thank you for watching!”
ELENA MILO (Maggie Pierce in Last ExMas directed by Sarah Rotella, Canada, 2024)
Elena’s said: "I am incredibly honoured to be nominated for this award at Iris Prize! This film is incredibly close to my heart, and I couldn’t be more excited to celebrate the premiere screening in Wales. Maggie is a character that I’ve given such a large piece of myself to, and I hope everyone loves her character and this film as much as I did working on it. The passion behind this project from each and every member is what has given it such life and I owe all of this to the incredible team that helped to build it."
PAT TINGIUY (Ace, in Rookie directed by Samantha Lee, Philippines, 2024)
Pat said: “Grateful for the recognition, humbled by the journey, and inspired to keep telling stories that move hearts and minds.”
Berwyn Rowlands, Iris Prize LGBTQ+ Film Festival Director, said: “Producing films is a huge collaborative process with many creative skills coming together to tell a story. Actors are an integral part of this mix. Personally, I think a strong performance can transform an OK film and make it spectacular! Having viewed and programmed the features at Iris this year, I can say with some conviction that the shortlisted performances are spectacular. "Congratulations to all 10 of the shortlisted performances in 7 amazing feature films. Who will be presented with the Best Performance awards, we will find out on Saturday 12 October. But if you want to judge for yourself, come to celebrate global stories and Cardiff charm at the 18th Iris Prize LGBTQ+ Film Festival."The final decision rests with the Feature Film Jury, made up of students from the University of South Wales. This will be the third year that students from USW have been invited to make up the jury.
The awards for Best Performances in a Male Role in a Feature Film sponsored by Attitude Magazine, and Best Performance in a Female Role in a Feature Film sponsored by Diva Magazine will be announced during the Iris Awards Show on Saturday 12 October 2024.
Rhestr fer o 10 yn cael ei datgelu ar gyfer gwobrau perfformio Iris24
- Enwebiadau ar gyfer perfformiadau o wyth gwlad: Gwlad Belg a'r Iseldiroedd; Canada; Awstralia; Gwlad Groeg; Brasil; Pilipinas; a'r Ariannin
- Dwy ffilm nodwedd yn cymryd dau enwebiad yr un
- Wythnos Iris yn dechrau ar 8 Hydref 2024
Perfformiadau Gorau mewn Rôl Wrywaidd mewn Ffilm Nodwedd a noddir gan Attitude Magazine
LOU GOOSSENS (Elias, yn Young Hearts, cyfarwyddwyd gan Anthony Schatteman, Gwlad Belg a’r Iseldiroedd, 2024 )
Canmolodd Catherine Bray Lou Goossens, yn Variety, am fod yn "naturiolaidd ac yn gallu cyfleu arlliwiau cynnil o gythrwfl mewnol, er gwaethaf ei oedran ifanc". David Rooney, Gohebydd Hollywood: "Y glud sy'n rhwymo'r stori gyfan gyda'i gilydd yw Elias y rhyfeddol Goossens, y mae ei dawelwch cymaint â'i ddwyster amrwd yn datgelu'r cythrwfl sy'n ei ddal y tu mewn. Bydd llwybr y bachgen at ddeall ei hun a'i ddymuniadau yn taro tantiau gydag unrhyw un a gafodd drafferth gyda hunan-dderbyn."
Meddai Lou: “Roedd chwarae Elias yn un antur fawr, ac mae'n anhygoel gweld sut mae stori Young Hearts yn ymateb i gymaint o wylwyr. Mae'n flwyddyn o rolau anhygoel mewn ffilmiau hyd yn oed yn fwy anhygoel, a chwaraeir gan yr actorion gorau o bob cenhedlaeth. Gan mai dim ond fy rôl gyntaf mewn ffilm nodwedd, hon oedd blwyddyn orau fy mywyd yn barod, ac ni allaf aros i weld beth fydd yn dilyn. Diolch unwaith eto am yr enwebiad hwn, rwy'n teimlo'n wirioneddol falch."
FÉLIX MARITAUD (Olivier, yn Solo, cyfarwyddwyd gan Sophie Dupuis, Canada, 2023)
Dywedodd Félix: "Rwy'n teimlo anrhydedd mawr oherwydd roedd y ffilm hon yn brofiad anhygoel fel actor ac fel person hefyd, diolch i wobr Iris i gael fy enwebu un tro arall. Diolch i Sophie Dupuis a'r holl gast a chriw o Solo."
LIAM MOLLICA (Leo, yn Sunflower, cyfarwyddwyd gan Gabriel Carrubba, Awstralia, 2023)
Dywedodd Liam: "Rwyf wrth fy modd ac mae'n anrhydedd cael fy enwebu ar gyfer y Perfformiad Gorau mewn Rôl Wrywaidd. Mae'n dod â chymaint o bleser i mi weld Sunflower yn cael ei rannu y tu hwnt i Awstralia ac rwyf wrth fy modd y bydd yn cael ei dangos yng Ngwobr Iris am ein perfformiad cyntaf yn y DU."
YORGOS TSIANTOULAS (Demosthenes, yn The Summer With Carmen cyfarwyddwyd gan Zacharias Mavproeidis, Gwlad Groeg, 2023)
Dywedodd Yorgos: "Roedd portreadu Demosthenes yn The Summer with Carmen yn daith anhygoel i mi, gan blymio'n ddwfn i themâu hunaniaeth queer, cyfeillgarwch a chariad. Rhoddodd y cymeriad hwn gyfle i mi bortreadu cymhlethdod hardd bywydau queer, gan ddathlu eu cyfoeth a'u hamrywiaeth. Mae bod yn rhan o ffilm sy'n hyrwyddo straeon mor ddilys ac ystyrlon yn fy llenwi â llawenydd a balchder."
ARTUR VOLPI (Joao, yn Perfect Endings cyfarwyddwyd gan Daniel Ribeiro, Brasil, 2024)
Meddai Artur: "Rwyf wrth fy modd o gael dangos ein ffilm yng Ngwobr Iris a fy mherfformiad yn cael ei gydnabod gan yr ŵyl. Mor ddiolchgar am fod yn rhan o ofod LHDTQ+ mor berthnasol sy'n dathlu amrywiaeth. Gobeithio eich bod chi'n mwynhau'r stori mae fy nghymeriad, João, yn ei gario gydag e!"
Y Perfformiad Gorau mewn Rôl Fenywaidd mewn Ffilm Nodwedd a noddir gan Diva Magazine
AYA FERNANDEZ (Jana, yn Rookie cyfarwyddwyd gan Samantha Lee, Pilipinas, 2024)
Dywedodd Aya: "Boed i Jana fod yn atgof i bob merch a pherson queer ifanc bod ganddyn nhw le i berchen, rhagori a thyfu boed hynny mewn chwaraeon neu unrhyw faes maen nhw'n dewis ei goncro. Diolch yn fawr iawn am y gydnabyddiaeth hon."
LUCIANA GRASSO (Vera, yn Vera and the Pleasure of Others cyfarwyddwyd gan Romina Tamburello a Federico Actis, Ariannin, 2023)
Dywedodd Luciana: "Mae'n anrhydedd i mi fod yn rhan o'r enwebiad hwn. Mae'r ffilm hon yn golygu llawer ar lefel bersonol a phroffesiynol. Roedd yr ymroddiad a'r ymddiriedaeth yn bethau angenrheidiol iawn i allu wynebu'r cymeriad hwn. Rwy'n hapus iawn i allu bod yn y ffilm hon sy'n ehangu gorwelion a barn, meddyliau a chalonnau. Roeddwn i wrth fy modd yn chwarae Vera, gyda'i hysbryd eofn, anturus ac awyddus. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd hi'n ein heffeithio ni i gyd ychydig."
SHAEANE JIMENEZ (Julianne Alba, yn Last ExMas cyfarwyddwyd gan Sarah Rotella, Canada, 2024)
ELENA MILO (Maggie Pierce yn Last ExMas cyfarwyddwyd gan Sarah Rotella, Canada, 2024)
PAT TINGIUY (Ace, in Rookie cyfarwyddwyd gan Samantha Lee, Pilipinas, 2024)
Dywedodd Pat: "Diolch am y gydnabyddiaeth, wedi fy nghystuddio gan y daith, a f’ysbrydoli i barhau i adrodd straeon sy'n symud calonnau a meddyliau."
Dywedodd Berwyn Rowlands, Cyfarwyddwr Gŵyl Ffilm LHDTQ+ Gwobr Iris: "Mae cynhyrchu ffilmiau yn broses gydweithredol enfawr gyda llawer o sgiliau creadigol yn dod at ei gilydd i adrodd stori. Mae actorion yn rhan annatod o'r gymysgedd hon. Yn bersonol, rwy'n credu y gall perfformiad cryf drawsnewid ffilm iawn a'i gwneud yn anhygoel! Ar ôl gweld a rhaglennu'r nodweddion yn Iris eleni, gallaf ddweud gyda rhywfaint o argyhoeddiad bod y perfformiadau ar y rhestr fer yn ysblennydd. “Llongyfarchiadau i bob un o'r 10 perfformiad ar y rhestr fer mewn saith ffilm nodwedd anhygoel. Pwy fydd yn derbyn y gwobrau Perfformiad Gorau, byddwn yn darganfod ddydd Sadwrn 12 Hydref. Ond os ydych chi am farnu drosoch eich hun, dewch i ddathlu straeon byd-eang a swyn Caerdydd yn 18fed Gŵyl Ffilm LHDTQ+ Gwobr Iris."Mae'r penderfyniad terfynol yn nwylo'r Rheithgor Ffilm Nodwedd sy'n cynnwys myfyrwyr o Brifysgol De Cymru. Hon fydd y drydedd flwyddyn i fyfyrwyr PDC gael gwahoddiad i wneud gwaith y rheithgor.
Cyhoeddir y gwobrau am y Perfformiadau Gorau mewn Rôl Wrywaidd mewn Ffilm Nodwedd a noddir gan Attitude Magazine, a'r Perfformiad Gorau mewn Rôl Fenywaidd mewn Ffilm Nodwedd a noddir gan Diva Magazine yn ystod Sioe Gwobrau Iris ddydd Sadwrn 12 Hydref 2024.