Iris Prize Fellowship 2022
Jacquie Lawrence has been presented with the Iris Prize Fellowship for her work in promoting lesbians and women on television and film. The fellowship was presented at a glittering ceremony at The Ministry Venues, Borough in London with messages of support from Ross Kemp, Denise Welch and Sinitta.
Berwyn Rowlands, Festival Director said: The Iris Prize Fellowship is presented to honour those who have made a significant contribution to the UK film industry with a specific focus on LGBT+ stories. Jacquie Lawrence is the perfect example of what we were looking for. I’m delighted that we can shine a light on her contribution, and also say a massive thank you.”

Ross Kemp, documentary film maker and former actor in Eastenders said: “Congratulations on receiving the Iris Prize Fellowship for all the work you’ve done over the years in promoting lesbians and women, but also for the quality of your work. I also owe you a huge thanks because without you I could never have made the transition from acting into doc making.”
Mark Harriott, Filmmaker & Production Designer said: “Congratulations on this deserved award for your work in LGBTQI commissioning & filmmaking. ‘From the Gutter to the Stars’ you’ve been a beacon of working-class queer radiance, shining upon a flock of grateful independent filmmakers & artists for 3 decades now. Thank you for being a crazy, hilarious, creative, approachable but untameable visionary. You’re unique …it's a shame, but there’ll never be another Jacquie Lawrence.”
Linda Riley, Publisher, DIVA Magazine, who presented the Fellowship on the night said: “I simply cannot think of anyone more deserving of the Iris Prize Fellowship than Jacquie Lawrence. A true pioneer for lesbian visibility and LGBTQI representation, her onscreen work is legendary both in our community and beyond. Throughout her career she has put LGBQTI stories centre stage, changing lives and helping so many of us to feel seen.”
The 2022 Iris Prize Fellowship presentation was sponsored by The Ministry Venues and DIVA Magazine.
Cymrodoriaeth Gwobr Iris wedi'i chyflwyno i Jacquie Lawrence
- Cyflwyno 2il Gymrodoriaeth Gwobr Iris i Jacquie Lawrence
- Dathlodd y gwesteion gyfraniad enfawr Jacquie i amlygrwydd lesbiaidd yn The Ministry Venues yn Llundain
- Gwesteion, gan gynnwys Denise Welch, Sinitta a Ross Kemp, yn llongyfarch Jacquie ar ei gwaith yn cynyddu gwelededd lesbiaidd ar deledu a ffilm

Dywedodd Berwyn Rowlands, Cyfarwyddwr yr Ŵyl: "Cyflwynir Cymrodoriaeth Gwobr Iris i anrhydeddu'r rhai sydd wedi gwneud cyfraniad sylweddol i ddiwydiant ffilm y DU gan ganolbwyntio'n benodol ar straeon LHDT+. Jacquie Lawrence yw'r enghraifft berffaith o'r hyn yr oeddem yn chwilio amdano. Rwy'n falch iawn ein bod yn gallu taflu goleuni ar ei chyfraniad a hefyd dweud diolch enfawr."

Dywedodd Ross Kemp, gwneuthurwr ffilmiau dogfennol a chyn-actor yn Eastenders: "Llongyfarchiadau ar dderbyn Cymrodoriaeth Gwobr Iris am yr holl waith rydych chi wedi'i wneud dros y blynyddoedd i hyrwyddo lesbiaid a menywod, ond hefyd am ansawdd eich gwaith. Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi hefyd oherwydd hebddoch chi ni allwn byth fod wedi symud o actio i wneud rhaglenni dogfen."
Meddai Mark Harriott, Gwneuthurwr Ffilmiau a Dylunydd Cynhyrchu: "Llongyfarchiadau ar y wobr haeddiannol hon am eich gwaith ym maes comisiynu LHDTCI a gwneud ffilmiau. ‘O'r Gwter i'r Sêr’ rydych chi wedi bod yn esiampl o ddisgleirdeb queer dosbarth gweithiol, gan sgleinio ar haid o wneuthurwyr ffilmiau ac artistiaid annibynnol a diolchgar ers tri degawd bellach. Diolch am fod yn weledigaeth wallgof, ddoniol, greadigol, hawdd mynd ati, ond diamheuol. Rydych chi'n unigryw ... mae'n drueni, ond ni fydd Jacquie Lawrence arall, byth."

Dywedodd Linda Riley, Cyhoeddwr, Cylchgrawn DIVA, a gyflwynodd y Gymrodoriaeth ar y noson: "Ni allaf feddwl am unrhyw un sy'n fwy haeddiannol o Gymrodoriaeth Gwobr Iris na Jacquie Lawrence. Yn arloeswr go iawn ar gyfer gwelededd lesbiaidd a chynrychiolaeth LHDTCI, mae ei gwaith ar y sgrin yn chwedlonol yn ein cymuned a thu hwnt. Drwy gydol ei gyrfa mae hi wedi rhoi llwyfan i straeon LHDTCI, gan newid bywydau a helpu cymaint ohonom i deimlo ein bod yn cael ein gweld."
Noddwyd cyflwyniad Cymrodoriaeth Gwobr Iris 2022 gan The Ministry Venues a Chylchgrawn DIVA.