Emma Goswell
Best British Jury 2021
Broadcaster / Podcaster / Editor
Emma began her broadcasting career in 2002 working for a string of commercial radio stations as a broadcast journalist before joining the BBC as a news reader and producer. She then turned her hand to presenting – co-hosting the Gaydio breakfast show for 5 years between 2013 and 2018 and again in 2020.
She now hosts ‘The Weekend Outing’ on Virgin Radio Pride as well as presenting cover shows for BBC Radio Manchester. She also worked for National Prison Radio for three years, setting up the first radio station in a women’s prison in the UK and earnt a Sony award for her documentary work with the prisoners at HMP Styal.
The ‘Coming Out stories podcast’ she hosts has now had over 100 thousand listens.
In 2019 she helped rewrite four of her favourite interviews as monologues which were performed as part of OutStageUs at the Lowry Theatre in Manchester. In January 2021 Emma had her first book published – called ‘Coming Out stories’. Published by Jessica Kingsley it tells the stories of 27 people from across the LGBTQI+ spectrum.
Mae Emma Goswell yn ddarlledwraig a chyflwynydd sydd wedi hen ennill ei phlwyf ar ôl cyd-gyflwyno Sioe Frecwast Gaydio am 5 mlynedd. Ar hyn o bryd mae hi’n cyflwyno ‘The Weekend Outing’ ar Virgin Radio Pride yn ogystal â chyflwyno sioeau ar gyfer BBC Radio Manchester. Tra bu’n gweithio i National Prison Radio, sefydlodd yr orsaf radio gyntaf mewn carchar i ferched yn y DU, gan ennill gwobr Sony am ei gwaith dogfen gyda’r carcharorion yn HMP Styal. Mae Emma hefyd yn cyflwyno ‘podlediad straeon Dod Allan’ sydd bellach wedi cael dros 100,000 o wrandawiadau, ac yn ddiweddar cyhoeddwyd ei llyfr cyntaf o dan yr un enw.