Guto Rhun
2023 Iris Prize Jury
Guto Rhun is currently working as Young Audiences Commissioner at S4C. In this role, he is responsible for developing and commissioning a wide range of content for S4C’s 16-25-year-old audience. One of his primary responsibilities is Hansh, S4C’s online youth Service. He is currently developing Hansh to be a hub for long-form entertainment formats, scripted comedy and drama, and the place to be for emerging talent. Guto started his career as a presenter for BBC radio Cymru and since then moved along to the production side of things eventually producing digital content for Boom Cymru. He is passionate about leading change in diversity and inclusion within the industry. He helped lead Hansh’s Medru Project, which saw deaf and disabled talent be mentored for roles in front and behind the camera. He was named on this year’s Pinc List by Wales Online which is a list of the 40 most influential members of the LGBT community in Wales for his work campaigning for the rights of the community.
Ar hyn o bryd mae Guto Rhun yn gweithio fel Comisiynydd Cynulleidfaoedd Ifanc yn S4C. Yn y rôl hon, mae’n gyfrifol am ddatblygu a chomisiynu ystod eang o gynnwys ar gyfer cynulleidfa 16-25 oed S4C. Un o’i brif gyfrifoldebau yw Hansh, Gwasanaeth Ieuenctid ar-lein S4C. Ar hyn o bryd mae’n datblygu Hansh i fod yn ganolbwynt ar gyfer fformatau adloniant ffurf hir, comedi a drama wedi’i sgriptio, a’r lle i fod ar gyfer talent sy’n dod i’r amlwg. Dechreuodd Guto ei yrfa fel cyflwynydd i BBC Radio Cymru ac ers hynny symudodd draw i’r ochr cynhyrchu, yn y pen draw yn cynhyrchu cynnwys digidol i Boom Cymru. Mae’n angerddol am arwain newid ym maes amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant o fewn y diwydiant. Helpodd arwain Prosiect Medru Hansh, a welodd talent fyddar ac anabl yn cael eu mentora ar gyfer rolau o flaen a thu ôl i’r camera. Cafodd ei enwi ar Restr y Pinc eleni gan Wales Online sydd yn rhestr o 40 aelod mwyaf dylanwadol y gymuned LHDTQ+ yng Nghymru am ei waith yn ymgyrchu dros hawliau’r gymuned.