Laith Jaafar, MSc Assoc CIPD
Co-Chair of Respect, the LGBTQI+ colleague network at Co-op
Laith is a kind and compassionate professional committed to equity, diversity and inclusion. His personal journey drives his passion for LGBTQI+ equality, which lead him to pursue a Master’s in Human Resource Management at the University of York. His distinguished research focused on trans inclusion policy, examining how senior leaders can enhance trans support packages. Through this research, Laith helped amplify trans voices, learning about their experiences and the challenges they face. As Co-Chair of Respect, the LGBTQI+ colleague network at Co-op, he actively promotes LGBTQI+ equality, using his voice to spotlight marginalised stories within the intersectional community.
Mae Laith yn weithiwr proffesiynol caredig a thosturiol sydd wedi ymrwymo i gydraddoldeb, amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant. Mae ei daith bersonol yn gyrru ei angerdd dros gydraddoldeb LHDTQI +, sy’n ei arwain i ddilyn gradd Meistr mewn Rheoli Adnoddau Dynol ym Mhrifysgol Efrog. Roedd ei ymchwil nodedig yn canolbwyntio ar bolisi cynhwysiant traws, gan archwilio sut y gall uwch arweinwyr wella pecynnau cymorth traws. Trwy’r ymchwil hwn, helpodd Laith i chwyddo lleisiau traws, gan ddysgu am eu profiadau a’r heriau sy’n eu hwynebu. Fel Cyd-gadeirydd Respect, rhwydwaith cydweithiwr LGBTQI + yn Co-op, mae’n mynd ati i hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb LHDTQI+, gan ddefnyddio ei lais i amlygu straeon ymylol yn y gymuned groestoriadol.