Lloyd - Eyre Morgan
Writer/Director Lloyd Eyre-Morgan trained at UCLA Film School his movies have received showings and release at: Picturehouse Cinemas London and Cineworld North West.
Lloyd’s movies have had large worldwide DVD Sales e.g.: Dream On – TLA Releasing 2012 – Best selling DVD in UK, with release Europe, USA
In 2015 Lloyd wrote and directed BAFTA accredited short film Closets which recently won the prestigious IRIS Prize Best of British – winning £14,000 to spend at Pinewood Studios on post production for his next film i.e. KILL PILL. (Closets is currently being developed into a feature film) .
Closet is set for cinema release by Peccadillo Pictures in July 2016 as part of a film collection and is to be released on DVD Worldwide and iTunes. Closets is also currently being shown around schools after winning the IRIS Youth Jury Award Prize
‘ I am so excited to be part of Iris again this year, the festival was one of my life’s highlights last year and this festival truly cares for emerging talent and makes you feel part of the family. I can’t wait to see this years short films and also features and discover new worldwide talent. I also want to go down to where they filmed Torchwood in Cardiff!!