Roxy Bourdillon
2023 Iris Prize Jury
Roxy Bourdillon is an award-winning writer and the editor-in-chief of DIVA, the world’s leading magazine for LGBTQIA women and non-binary people. As a journalist, she has interviewed everyone from A-listers Emma Stone, Rachel Weisz and Keira Knightley to the legendary Rebel Dykes. In addition to DIVA, she’s written for numerous iconic titles including Cosmopolitan, Attitude, Curve, L-Mag and Lesbians On The Loose. Roxy’s groundbreaking work in queer media has earned her a place in both the Pride Power List, published in The Guardian, and The Attitude 101: LGBTQ+ Trailblazers Changing The World.
Mae Roxy Bourdillon yn awdur arobryn ac yn brif olygydd DIVA, prif gylchgrawn y byd ar gyfer menywod LHDTQIA a phobl anneuaidd. Fel newyddiadurwr, mae hi wedi cyfweld pawb o’r sêr arbennig megis Emma Stone, Rachel Weisz a Keira Knightley, i’r Rebel Dykes chwedlonol. Yn ogystal â DIVA, mae hi wedi ysgrifennu ar gyfer nifer o deitlau eiconig gan gynnwys Cosmopolitan, Attitude, Curve, L-Mag a Lesbians On The Loose. Mae gwaith arloesol Roxy yn y cyfryngau queer wedi ennill lle iddi yn y Pride Power List, a gyhoeddwyd yn The Guardian, a The Attitude 101: LGBTQ+ Trailblazers Changing The World.