Iris Prize 2023
Dark Deeds
A hookup turned political debate; a musical journey through childhood and identity; an argument about extracurricular sexual activity: this more risqué programme showcases a spectrum of queer storytelling.
Showings – select to order tickets:
Fri, Oct 13th, 2:30 PM @ Vue Cinema - Screen 1
[Available October 13, 3:30 PM - October 31, 11:45 PM, 2023] Stream on Iris online.
Showings – select to order tickets:
Fri, Oct 13th, 2:30 PM @ Vue Cinema - Screen 1
[Available October 13, 3:30 PM - October 31, 11:45 PM, 2023] Stream on Iris online.
48 mins
Trodd ddêt yn ddadl wleidyddol; taith gerddorol drwy blentyndod a hunaniaeth; dadl am weithgarwch rhywiol allgyrsiol: mae’r rhaglen fwy risqué hon yn arddangos sbectrwm o adrodd straeon queer.
- Hundefreund (DogFriend) |Dir. Maissa Lihedeb | Germany | 18 Mins
- Hideous | Dir. Yann Gonzalez | UK | 22 Mins
- Snuff | Dir. Louise Nesbitt | Northen Ireland | 8 Mins