2024 Best British

Water’s Edge

In near future rural Somerset, Anna is trying to be a happily married woman but the arrival of a troupe of travelling players on the farm tests her beliefs to the limit.


Jason Barker


Bex Rose


Jason Barker



UK, 15 mins

Yng Ngwlad yr Haf wledig bron yn y dyfodol, mae Anna yn ceisio bod yn ddynes briod hapus ond mae dyfodiad criw o berfformwyr teithiol ar y fferm yn profi ei chredoau i’r eithaf.

Jason Barker _Water's Edge Director

Jason Barker is a filmmaker, writer, occasional actor and sometimes stand-up comedian based in the West Country. He was selected for the BBC Writers Voices 2023 and the Bafta X BFI Flare mentoring scheme 2022.

MaeJason Barker yn wneuthurwr ffilmiau, awdur, actor achlysurol ac weithiau digrifwr stand-yp sydd wedi’i leoli yng Ngorllewin Lloegr. Cafodd ei ddewis ar gyfer BBC Writers Voices 2023 a chynllun mentora Flare BFI Bafta X 2022.

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