Rookie directed by Samantha Lee – Review

"The audience, particularly the Gen Z and Gen A girls, were actually shrieking with delight.”

With 13 feature films on offer this year there’s always that excitement to discover which film will grab the audience’s attention through box office sales!
This year the initial hit with the Iris audience is Rookie, directed by Samantha Lee. This is her second feature to screen in Cardiff, the first Billie and Emma was a popular hit at the festival in 2019. What do the reviewers have to say:
News ABS-CBN “Of all the films that I had watched in this year's Cinemalaya festival, this was one with the most audience impact. This was so far the only one where the audience, particularly the Gen Z and Gen A girls, were actually shrieking with delight at each and every scene as romance developed between Ace and Jana -- from Ace's furtive glances from afar at first, to the bed arrangement at the training camp, to the prom night invitation and dance, and more.”


A Good Movie To Watch

“While the volleyball scenes are made to be some of the most emotionally climactic sequences in the movie, it's the shared silences between Ace and Jana that ultimately carry the most irresistible tension. There's so much left unsaid that director/co-writer Samantha Lee communicates just in the way the two girls inch closer together, or in how they come to hold each other's gaze a little longer.”

Read the full review here:

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