Shortlisted Programme: Community
Through the Iris Outreach scheme, community groups and organisations around Wales have been able to produce short films focusing on LGBT+ themes and issues. This valuable initiative allows Iris to build partnerships throughout Wales, provide participants with the skills and knowledge of film industry experts and also promote social inclusion and community cohesion.
With an eclectic mix of films in competition, viewers will experience the reality of what it’s like to be LGBT and classified as homeless, understand the importance of the acceptance of diversity in the workplace and be touched by the boisterous adventures of the South Wales Gay Men’s Chorus as they compete in the UK’s largest male choral competition.
Behind the Bike Sheds
Office of National Statistics | 6 mins
Jaime is relieved that her new place of work is nothing like her old job. Through flashbacks we discover some of the negative experiences she has endured reminding us that not all workplaces understand the importance of diversity.
Prefer Not To Say
Wales Audit Office | 8 mins
A fly on the wall TV crew follow Dafydd on his first day in work. Full of excitement his only concern revolves around the issue of coming out. Should he come out? Filmed at the Wales Audit Office this film is both insightful and uplifting.
Life Gets Better Together
RainbowBiz | 7 mins
Rainbow Biz is a successful social enterprise in North Wales. This film shines a light on the individuals that have made Rainbow Biz the powerful community group they have become.
Call It A Day
Shelter Cymru | 7 mins
Homelessness can affect anybody at any time. This film focuses on three stories, each looking at homelessness from the perspective of the LGBT community.
Côr Blimey
South Wales Gay Men’s Chorus | 20 mins
What happens on tour stays on tour – unless you’re making one of the 36 Iris in the Community short films funded by the Big Lottery Wales. Experience the South Wales Gay Men’s Chorus journey to compete in the Cornwall International Male Choral Festival. The objective was to do better than eighth place.
Three’s a Crowd!
Swansea People First
Two’s a party, three’s a crowd! Two gay men try to start a relationship, balancing their right for independence against the support they need to live their lives.
Glitter Cymru
Members of Glitter Cymru bring to the screen the reality of being part of both the BAME and LGBT+ communities, Including the harsh realities of the daily life of an asylum seeker.