Hook, Line, and Sinker
Here, the many forms of love and relationships are explored beautifully and with a poignancy that bites at times. A grieving LGBTQ+ activist tries to find the strength for one last campaign; the thrill of a surprise attraction; two long-term lovers facing an uncertain future; a forbidden relationship set in the time of the witch trials; and an open relationship with no rulebook causes two women to question whether each has fully explored her sexuality. This programme explores the many forms that love and relationships can take.
Yma, archwilir yn hyfryd y mathau niferus o gariad a pherthnasoedd a chyda dwyster sy’n brathu ar brydiau. Mae actifydd LHDTQ+ galarus yn ceisio dod o hyd i gryfder un ymgyrch olaf; gwefr atyniad syfrdanol; dau gariad hirdymor yn wynebu dyfodol ansicr; perthynas waharddedig a osodwyd yn amser y treialon gwrach; ac mae perthynas agored heb reolau yn achosi dwy fenyw i gwestiynu a yw’r ddwy wedi archwilio eu rhywioldeb yn llawn. Mae’r rhaglen hon yn archwilio’r ffurfiau niferus y gall cariad a pherthnasoedd eu cymryd.
Films Include:
For over 50 years, iconic activist Ted Brown has fought for queer and black identities. But after losing his partner, Noel, under heart-breaking circumstances, a devastated Ted questions the impact of his activism and struggles to mount a new campaign. Can Ted find the strength for one last fight for LGBTQ+ rights?
On the night before her flight home, a Malaysian woman with a secret finds herself on an impromptu date with another woman.
Howard drives his partner Joseph to hospital to undergo a high-risk operation, and the intimacy of the car, alongside a long forgotten mix tape, sees the masculinity of their forty year relationship start to yield.
Requiem is set in 1605, against the backdrop of the witch trials. It’s a coming of age story, following Evelyn as she engages in a game of cat and mouse against her father, Minister Gilbert, in order to be with Mary, the woman she loves.
What exactly are the rules in an open relationship? With no rulebook, it’s down to the couple to draw their lines… So when Dani tells Jess she might be interested in sleeping with guys again, it doesn’t go down too well. F**KED raises the question many of us secretly ask ourselves – have I really explored and enjoyed my own sexuality? There’s something about hitting 30 that makes you question whether you’re really being true to yourself.