2024 Iris Prize


The matriarch of the family is worried. One of her grandchildren doesn't come to visit and she doesn't understand why, but soon a phone call comes that changes everything.


Alecio Araci


Alicia Hansen, Stina Eriksson


Alecio Araci



Sweden, 7 mins

Mae matriarch y teulu yn poeni. Dyw un o’i hwyrion ddim yn dod i ymweld a dyw hi ddim yn deall pam, ond yn fuan daw galwad ffôn sy’n newid popeth.

Alecio Araci has a background in DIY and underground culture and has worked on both low and high budget projects since the mid-00s. He lives and works on the west coast of Sweden, where he also studied film directing. His previous works include the award-winning short film Chavo.

Mae gan Alecio Araci gefndir mewn DIY a diwylliant tanddaearol ac mae wedi gweithio ar brosiectau cyllideb isel ac uchel ers canol y 00au. Mae’n byw ac yn gweithio ar arfordir gorllewinol Sweden, lle bu’n astudio cyfarwyddo ffilmiau. Mae ei weithiau blaenorol yn cynnwys y ffilm fer arobryn Chavo.

Find 2024 Iris Prize shortlist here