Iris Prize Podcast:
Iris celebrates LGBTQ+ film, championing the incredible creatives both on and off-screen. Over the series host, Damian Kerlin, catches up and speaks with filmmakers covering hot topics such as authentic casting and representation on screen, the portrayal of queer youth and the dramatizing of our true stories.

We will be talking all things representation in casting, and along with our interviewees attempt to answer the old age question in the filming industry, “should queer roles, be played by queer actors?”

This week Damian interviews three LGBTQ+ filmmakers specialising in documentaries. Together they discuss the importance and collective responsibility of telling LGBTQ+ stories and ask whether documentaries have a duty to be balanced in their story telling, or does larger bias play a role?

Ever wondered how those stories appear on screen? Well, this week LGBTQ+ filmmaking podcast Iris answers just that. Join host Damian as he talks to Waterloo Road star Adam Ali as well as filmmaker Keeran Anwar Blessie and Bad Wolf, one the UK’s largest production companies, script editor, Bethan Evans

Representation on screen has never been so important, so Damian along with his guests this week chat specifically about queer young people on screen, and is it truly representative of those real lives it depicts.

Filming on location is hard, but when you chuck into the mix rural landscapes and unpredictable weather it can be damn near impossible. That and the sensitivities around shooting a queer film, Damian chat to his guests about all this can be possible and is Wales as welcoming as it perceives.

In the last of the series, Damian chats to filmmakers about the importance of real life stories on our screens and what is the reality of looking beyond the lens at the real lives of those our films represent, managing expectation, and the reality of dramatising our stories for screen.