Guto Rhun
Young Audiences Commissioner at S4C
Guto Rhun is currently working as Young Audiences Commissioner at S4C. In this role, he is responsible for developing and commissioning a wide range of content for S4C’s 16-25-year-old audience. One of his primary responsibilities is Hansh, S4C’s online youth service. He has been responsible for commissioning award winning formats such as Tisho Fforc?, Dom a Lloyd Cymru Heddiw, and Bwmp. He is currently developing Hansh to be a hub for long-form entertainment formats, scripted comedy and drama, and the place to be for emerging talent. Guto started his career as a presenter for BBC Radio Cymru and since then moved to the production side of things, eventually producing digital content for Boom Cymru.
Ar hyn o bryd mae Guto Rhun yn gweithio fel Comisiynydd Cynulleidfaoedd Ifanc yn S4C. Yn y rôl hon, mae’n gyfrifol am ddatblygu a chomisiynu ystod eang o gynnwys ar gyfer cynulleidfa 16-25 oed S4C. Un o’i gyfrifoldebau pennaf yw Hansh, gwasanaeth ieuenctid ar-lein S4C. Bu’n gyfrifol am gomisiynu fformatau arobryn fel Tisho Fforc?, Dom a Lloyd Cymru Heddiw a Bwmp. Ar hyn o bryd mae’n datblygu Hansh i fod yn ganolbwynt ar gyfer fformatau adloniant ffurf hir, comedi a drama wedi’i sgriptio, a’r lle i fod ar gyfer talent sy’n dod i’r amlwg. Dechreuodd Guto ei yrfa fel cyflwynydd i BBC Radio Cymru ac ers hynny symudodd i gynhyrchu, gan gynhyrchu cynnwys digidol i Boom Cymru yn y pen draw.