Explore 35 films from around the globe, organised into 9 unique programmes. Discover more about each programme below and book your tickets now:

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The Past Into Focus

A search for Grandmother’s lost lover, returning to your childhood town after loss, and confronting the person who made your school life miserable. These films are all about exploring former relationships.


Comparing reserve vs. city life, a history of risky religious romance, making amends with an old friend, being trans in a secluded farming community. This programme looks at the interactions of times past that shape a person and their choices.


Intergenerational Stories

A family faced with threats, a heartwarming phonecall from a Romani Grandmother, overcoming cultural and language barriers, one elderly man’s dream, a mother’s moment in the spotlight. These stories highlight the relationships between people of different ages.

Happy In Your Own Skin

An experience with conversion therapy, a new connection, navigating cultural expectations with a sex worker, emerging into your new self. These films explore different journeys of accepting yourself.

Take A Chance On Me

An emotional catch-up phone call, a new business venture, and a rocky road trip. This programme explores the line between being friends and the desire for a deeper connection.


Dangerous Liaisons

An actor and a cowboy enter each other’s worlds, two trans women cross paths, a journalist faces the wrath of the internet, a lonely older cellist. These stories showcase the impact of a fleeting interaction with an unfamiliar person.

Terratoma_Still - 2024 Iris Prize Shortlist

Lived Trans Stories

Exploring gender and togetherness, a disturbing project, an incarcerated artist, and finding your twin flame. This programme looks at individual’s relationship with gender and what impact this has on the relationships they form with the people around them.


A tense work dinner, lesbian island rebellion, a woman in crisis, and an emotional reunion. These difficult films portray strength in adversity.

Forbidden Fruit

A young girl discovering herself through dance, an animated journey through transition, dealing with dating and self-worth, and a lighthearted exploration of bodies. These films focus on women and girls learning to be the truest version of themselves despite challenges.