2024 Best British

Miss Temperance

In Glasgow's alt-queer party scene, a drag artist navigates the night of their return to the stage after being one year sober.


Jeremy McClain


Cromeans Productions (Jeremy McClain, Nicholas Elliott)


Jeremy McClain



UK, 12 mins

Yn sîn parti alt-queer Glasgow, mae artist drag yn llywio noson eu dychweliad i’r llwyfan ar ôl bod blwyddyn yn sobr.

Jeremy McClain_Miss Temperance

Jeremy McClain is an artist based in the US and UK and is known for his role as Cubby on BBC’s Pose. His shorts have screened at Outfest, BFI Flare and GSFF, to name a few. He’ll debut his one-man show, Rat Tails, at the 2024 Edinburgh Fringe and is represented by Innovative Artists.

Mae Jeremy McClain yn artist sydd wedi’i leoli yn yr Unol Daleithiau a’r DU ac mae’n adnabyddus am ei rôl fel Cubby ar Pose (BBC). Mae ei ffilmiau byrion wedi cael eu dangos yn Outfest, BFI Flare a GSFF, i enwi ond rhai. Bydd ei sioe un dyn, *Rat Tails*, yn ymddangos yn gyntaf yng Ngŵyl Ymylol Caeredin 2024 ac fe’i cynrychiolir gan Artistiaid Arloesol.

Watch the trailer here

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