2024 Iris Prize


From the tormented little mermaid to the fulfilled woman she is today, Gigi tells us about her gender transition with humour and sensitivity.


Cynthia CALVI


Luc Camilli


Cynthia CALVI, Gigi



France, 14 mins

O’r fôr-forwyn fach doredig i’r fenyw gyflawn y mae hi heddiw, mae Gigi yn dweud wrthym am ei thrawsnewidiad rhwng y rhywiau gyda hiwmor a sensitifrwydd.

Cynthia Calvi was born in Menton, in the south of France. At the age of 17, she moved to Paris and took her first steps in animation workshops for the Croq’anim association, before moving on to the EMCA (École des Métiers du Cinéma d’Animation) in Angoulême, where she made her first animated documentary, Tournée(2015).

Ganed Cynthia Calvi ym Menton, yn ne Ffrainc. Yn 17 oed, symudodd i Baris a chymryd ei chamau cyntaf mewn gweithdai animeiddio ar gyfer cymdeithas Croq’anim, cyn symud ymlaen i’r EMCA (École des Métiers du Cinéma d’Animation) yn Angoulême, lle gwnaeth ei rhaglen ddogfen animeiddiedig gyntaf, Tournée (2015).

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