Iris in the Community

Fruits of the Spirit

Maddy and Carys are on the worship band of their evangelical church. They’re also in a relationship with each other. What could possibly go wrong?


Georgia Day


Holly Russell–Allison, Grant Vidgen, Berwyn Rowlands


Georgia Day



Wales, UK, 16 Mins

When Maddy and Carys get outed to their church worship band, they have to fight to stay together, in the face of an institution that wants nothing more than to see them apart. Can they hold onto faith when it seems that their faith doesn’t want them? ‘Fruits of the Spirit’ is a dramatic tale of hope, perseverance, and religious intolerance – a tale that is familiar to many.
Established in 2011, The Gathering Cardiff is an LGBTQ+ church in Cardiff that wants nothing more than to provide a safe space for people that the Christian church has historically rejected: queer people, social misfits, gender transgressors. While ‘Fruits of the Spirit’ is not a biographical story, it is a very personal one for many of us. Most of us have felt the sting of rejection from various churches, and, having found loving community now, wanted to show that it was possible. This film celebrates queerness as a beautiful, tender, and holy thing – something that still needs to be said to whoever will listen.

For any questions or advice regarding LGBTQ+ inclusion in church spaces, email Georgia at their work email,

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Iris in the Community is an initiative run by the Iris Prize, Cardiff’s International LGBTQ+ Short Film Festival, to produce films with community groups across Wales to explore issues faced by the LGBTQ+ community.