Pretty Girl (Cailín Álainn)
Megan K Fox
Hazel Cullen
Megan K Fox
Kevin, a transgender teen, comes out for the first time at a cross dress disco in the Gaeltacht.
Mae Kevin, yn ei arddegau ac yn drawsryweddol, yn dod allan am y tro cyntaf mewn disgo traws-wisg yn y Gaeltacht.
Pretty Girl was nominated for the Iris Prize by GAZE one of our worldwide network of partner festivals.
Megan K. Fox is an award-winning writer and director of film and TV. She is passionate about telling compelling, intimate stories of self discovery, adolescence and overcoming. She has received commissions and funding grants from RTÉ, Arts Council of Ireland, O2 Think Big and more. She is a graduate of the MA Directing course at Met Film School, and since graduating in 2015 has received over thirty awards for her work from internationally recognised festivals.