The Queer Archive – in or out!with Paul ‘Stumpy’ Davies
Paul ‘Stumpy’ Davies is your host for The Queer Archive – in or out!
Would you save Ang Lee’s Brokeback Mountain for future generations to see? If you could choose your favourite LGBTQ+ film, what would you choose? Join our panel as they discuss which queer films they’re going to shelve and which they will fight to preserve. It could get messy…
Paul ‘Stumpy’ Davies yw eich gwesteiwr The Queer Archive – i mewn neu allan!
A fyddech chi’n achub Brokeback Mountain gan Ang Lee i genedlaethau’r dyfodol ei gweld? Pe gallech ddewis eich hoff ffilm LHDTQ+, beth fyddech chi’n ei dewis? Ymunwch â’n panel wrth iddynt drafod pa ffilmiau queer maen nhw’n mynd i’w claddu a pha rai y byddan nhw’n ymladd i’w cadw. Gallai fynd yn rhemp…
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