Am Byth debuts on iPlayer and S4C Clic for Pride Month

• A National Lottery Community Fund Iris in the Community film Am Byth is set to debut on iPlayer and S4C Clic on 1 June
• The English language version – I Shall Be Whiter Than Snow – featured at Roze Filmdagen - the Amsterdam LGBTQ Film Festival
• This film is a great example of excellence in storytelling and was made in partnership with NHS Wales Velindre Hospital & Aneurin Bevan UHB
• “It is important that we help make it possible for films like Am Byth to be made, telling the stories of real people in their communities.”
Organisers of the Iris Prize LGBTQ+ Film Festival are thrilled to announce that Am Byth, the Welsh language version of its Lottery-funded short, I Shall Be Whiter Than Snow, will debut on iPlayer and S4C’s streaming service - Clic - on Saturday 1 June. Am Byth, was produced as part of Iris in the Community, created by people taking part in the National Lottery Community Fund supported diversity project.
Am Byth was directed by Frederick Stacey, written by Jonathan North, and translated into Welsh by Mared Jones & Geraint Scott. The short film is based on the true story of a lesbian couple, Kim and Roseann, who were married at Velindre Hospital, Cardiff in 2018 whilst Kim was receiving treatment for cancer. This emotional film is a touching love story between two women and is also a celebration of the amazing staff who work for our NHS and the importance of compassionate care.
Berwyn Rowlands, Iris Prize Film Festival Director said: “I am delighted that Am Byth will be available to be shared on iPlayer and S4C Clic for Pride Month. It is important that we help make it possible for films like Am Byth to be made, telling the stories of real people in their communities.  We are especially pleased that we have been able to produce a Welsh language version of this film, and that it has been chosen to debut on the streaming platforms on 1 June, giving it even more opportunity for exposure.”
Am Byth stars Rebecca Harries and Lynn Hunter, supported by a cast of NHS professionals. Here Rebecca Harries talks about her part in the film: “A story about people who love each other is always an important story to tell, especially these days, but when it's a true story, about real people, in a passionately unsettling situation like this, the responsibility is greater. You don't want to get their story wrong, or not do it justice, so you search deeper in yourself for anything to help you. You are basically looking for the truth, truth and honesty, because their story is not fiction.”
Speaking about the collaboration between Iris in the Community and the NHS, Ceri Harris BEM, Head of Equality and Human Rights, said: “I was so honoured to bring Kim and Roseann’s love and story to screen. Working in partnership with Iris on this film has been wonderful. Iris understood how important it was to tell their story, to share the amazing compassionate care they received. I will be eternally thankful to Iris.”

Berwyn Rowlands continues:Am Byth is a community film made possible through National Lottery Community Funding, and Iris in the Community was a three-year project, running between 2021 and 2024. During this time, we worked with 12 community groups across Wales and produced nine short films and a package of training resources about storytelling on screen.”

Find More about the Community films:

Ffilm gymunedol Gymraeg Gwobr Iris Am Byth yn ymddangos ar iPlayer ac S4C Clic ar gyfer Mis Pride

  • Bydd ffilm Iris yn y Gymuned, a ariennir gan Gronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol, Am Byth, yn ymddangos ar iPlayer ac S4C Clic ar 1 Mehefin
  • Ymddangosodd y fersiwn Saesneg - I Shall Be Whiter Than Snow – yn Roze Filmdagen - Gŵyl Ffilm LHDTQ Amsterdam
  • Mae'r ffilm hon yn enghraifft wych o ragoriaeth mewn adrodd straeon ac fe'i gwnaed mewn partneriaeth ag Ysbyty Felindre GIG Cymru a Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan.
  • “Mae'n bwysig ein bod yn helpu i'w gwneud hi'n bosibl i ffilmiau fel Am Byth gael eu gwneud, gan adrodd straeon pobl go iawn yn eu cymunedau."
Mae trefnwyr Gŵyl Ffilm LHDTQ+ Gwobr Iris yn falch o gyhoeddi y bydd Am Byth, fersiwn Gymraeg y ffilm fer a ariennir gan y Loteri, I Shall Be Whiter Than Snow, yn ymddangos ar iPlayer a gwasanaeth ffrydio S4C - Clic - ddydd Sadwrn 1 Mehefin. Cynhyrchwyd Am Byth, fel rhan o Iris yn y Gymuned, a grëwyd gan bobl sy'n cymryd rhan ym mhrosiect amrywiaeth a gefnogir gan Gronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol.
Cyfarwyddwyd Am Byth gan Frederick Stacey, a ysgrifennwyd gan Jonathan North, a'i chyfieithu i'r Gymraeg gan Mared Jones a Geraint Scott. Mae'r ffilm fer yn seiliedig ar stori wir cwpl lesbiaidd, Kim a Roseann, a briododd yn Ysbyty Felindre, Caerdydd yn 2018 tra roedd Kim yn derbyn triniaeth am ganser. Mae'r ffilm emosiynol hon yn stori garu deimladwy rhwng dwy fenyw ac mae hefyd yn ddathliad o'r staff anhygoel sy'n gweithio i'n GIG a phwysigrwydd gofal tosturiol.
Dywedodd Berwyn Rowlands, Cyfarwyddwr Gŵyl Ffilm Gwobr Iris: "Rwyf wrth fy modd y bydd Am Byth ar gael i'w rannu ar iPlayer ac S4C Clic ar gyfer Mis Pride. Mae'n bwysig ein bod yn helpu i'w gwneud hi'n bosibl i ffilmiau fel Am Byth gael eu gwneud, gan adrodd straeon pobl go iawn yn eu cymunedau.  Rydym yn arbennig o falch ein bod wedi gallu cynhyrchu fersiwn Gymraeg o'r ffilm hon, a'i bod wedi cael ei dewis i ymddangos am y tro cyntaf ar y llwyfannau ffrydio ar 1 Mehefin, gan roi hyd yn oed mwy o gyfle I ddod i gysylltiad â hi."
Mae Am Byth yn serennu Rebecca Harries a Lynn Hunter, gyda chast o weithwyr proffesiynol y GIG. Dyma Rebecca Harries yn sôn am ei rhan yn y ffilm: "Mae stori am bobl sy’n caru’i gilydd wastad yn stori bwysig i’w hadrodd, yn enwedig dyddiau ‘ma,  ond pan mae’n stori wir, am bobl go iawn, mewn sefyllfa angerddol angeuol fel hon, mae’r gyfrifoldeb yn fwy. Dwyt ti ddim eisiau cael eu stori’n anghywir, na pheidio a gwneud cyfiawnder â hi, felly mi wyt ti’n chwilio’n ddyfnach ynot ti dy hun am unrhywbeth i dy helpu. Chwilio am y gwirionedd wyt ti yn y bôn, gwirionedd a gonestrwydd, achos nid ffuglen yw eu stori nhw. Mae’n rhaid dangos gofal a pharch.”
Wrth siarad am y cydweithio rhwng Iris yn y Gymuned a'r GIG, dywedodd Ceri Harris BEM, Pennaeth Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol: "Roedd yn anrhydedd i mi ddod â chariad a stori Kim a Roseann i'r sgrin fawr. Mae gweithio mewn partneriaeth ag Iris ar y ffilm hon wedi bod yn wych. Roedd Iris yn deall pa mor bwysig oedd adrodd eu stori, i rannu'r gofal tosturiol anhygoel a gawsant. Byddaf yn ddiolchgar am byth i Iris."

Mae Berwyn Rowlands yn parhau: "Mae Am Byth yn ffilm gymunedol a wnaed yn bosibl drwy Gronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol, ac roedd Iris yn y Gymuned yn brosiect tair blynedd, a gynhaliwyd rhwng 2021 a 2024. Yn ystod y cyfnod hwn, buom yn gweithio gyda 12 grŵp cymunedol ledled Cymru ac yn cynhyrchu naw ffilm fer a phecyn o adnoddau hyfforddi am adrodd straeon ar y sgrin."

Darganfod Mwy am y ffilmiau Cymunedol: